Model Actuarial Pricing Systems

MAPS Certified Premiums

MAPS will model your Universal Life Policy Illustration and deliver a Certified Premium Report showing future projected minimum premiums to fund the policy per your projection assumptions. You will also receive an electronic file containing the case which may be imported into the MAPS software.

Expert staff at MAPS will read and interpret your Illustration and will model the illustration in our industry standard MAPS Life Settlement software. MAPS will certify that the report has been produced to their high standards of practice and represents their best estimate of future required premiums. You (and entities that you are doing business with) have the confidence that your policy has been carefully evaluated by a team with years of industry experience and detailed knowledge of both Universal Life insurance contracts and the accurate use of the MAPS software.

Those who will find this service attractive include:

  1. Entities doing business with other parties who wish to establish mutual confidence in the projected premiums which underlie their subsequent valuation calculations.
  2. Organizations with MAPS or other pricing software who wish to obtain the best estimate of optimized premiums for their analysis.
  3. Licensees of the MAPS model who wish to validate their in-house analysis.

The cost for the MAPS analysis is $300 per policy. The service is available for contracts without Shadow Accounts. Subject to the availability of required data, MAPS can analyze Shadow Account premiums for $400 per case. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact MAPS at to get started.